Hi There, I am

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Nikson Sharma
I love to play around with words, colors, shapes, and styles to make all the aspects play together like music

About Me

My design philosophy is simple; I work closely with my clients to create design with character and relevance, fulfilling briefs to the letter. I apply this thinking across identity, print, digital, environment and packaging design.

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Ice Berg/Everest upside down Illustration

Nepal Today Logo

Map of Dang, 3D

Happy Holidays E-Card

Bajeko Tv Logo

UI Mockup Design - Ghorahicity.com

Cityscape Illustration

- Flat type Cityscape design. No stock images used at all. 

Quantum Logo

Map Of Nepal Design Work

Map of Nepal ( District Division )

Map of Nepal ( Region Division )
Map of Nepal ( Zonal Division )

Logo Submition for Sangrila Ply

Sangrila Ply is the one of the largest manufacturers of Quality Plywood Brand in Nepal . It is  an example of strongly grown, modernized and technologically up-graded Plywood Factory for the last decades.


Kumari, orKumari Devi, orLiving Goddess – Nepalis the tradition of worshiping young pre-pubescentgirls as manifestations of the divine female energyordeviinHindureligious traditions. The wordKumariis derived from theSanskritKaumarya, meaning "princess".

Mandala Art

Mandala ( Sanskrit: मण्डल, lit, circle) is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Indian religions, representing the universe.

Logo Design for Mobile Banking

Nep Wallet is one of my client based on Nepal. 

Redesigning Book Cover

Redesigning Book cover of my Late Grand Father Netralal Paudel (Martyr) 2001 B.S. -2042 B.S.
आँधी र हुरी नचलेको बेला
वातावरण स्तब्ध र शान्त भएको घडिमा
एउटा नर्कट पनि
छाती खोलेर ठिङ्ग उभिन सक्छ
एउटा कायरले पनि
बहादुरीका लामा–लामा कुरा गर्न सक्छ
तर, मेरा मित्र
आँधी र हुरी चलिरहेको बेलामा
वातावरण गतिशील र अशान्त भएको घडिमा
पहाडको चुचुरोमाथि
आँधी र हुरीसँग पौठेजोरी खेल्दै
एउटा सतिसालमात्र ठिङ्ग उभिन सक्छ...

Logo Designing

Few samples of Logos

Logo For News Portal

Jagaran online is one of my client for whom I've designed a brand logo.